exoALMA | workshops
exoALMA EU Data Analysis Workshop
Observatory de la Côte d'Azur, Nice, France, 3rd - 7th July, 2023
The EU workshop, focusing on working on projects, will be held in Nice at the Observatory de la Côte d'Azur, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. The goal is to continue making progress with the analysis of the exoALMA data and the writing up of scientific papers.
exoALMA EA Data Analysis Workshop
Ibaraki University, Mito, Japan, 12th - 15th June, 2023
The EA workshop will be held at the satellite meeting room of Ibaraki University in Mito, Japan. It is aimed at promoting exoALMA science projects with data analysis, discussion with collaborators and writing up papers.
exoALMA Start of Science Workshop
Endicott House, Boston, USA, 5th - 9th December, 2022
Just outside Cambridge, Massachusetts, Endicott House will host the second exoALMA Workshop which focuses on exploiting the fully calibrated and imaged data from the large program. As before, the workshop is an opportunity to bring together the exoALMA collaboration and facilitate a rapid start to the science projects. This meeting is sponsored by the North American ALMA Science Center of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.
exoALMA Kick-Off Workshop
Villa Cagnola, Milan, Italy, 23rd - 27th May, 2022
We'll be holding the first exoALMA Workshop in late May, 2022 in Villa Cagnola, just north of the city of Milan. This workshop is an opportunity to bring the exoALMA collaboration together and share results and on-going work that's going to be essential to the success of the exoALMA program. The workshop will combine short science talks, group discussions sessions and time to work together.
For those unable to attend in person there will be a virtual component and all talks and discussions will be recorded.